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Complicated Reality

Odd Trees Make Me Happy

I love odd trees. But an odd tree, to me, isn't just one that looks strange or unusual. Instead, trees are all on a spectrum from even to odd. An even tree has as many leaves on one side of the trunk as the other, based on my estimation from where I'm standing. An odd tree has more leaves on one side than the other. That's it. It's a very simple system. Trees seem to aim for being even, but most are a little odd from one angle or another. Some are very even, to the point where I wonder if they are being groomed that way, others are so odd I can't help but imagine why.

Now, before you ask your arborist friends about odd trees, I should admit that I made this system up. It's not academic, it's not a part of any formal discourse on trees. It's just a silly idea I had one day when looking at trees. Most of the time, I keep it to myself. But sometimes, I come across a tree that is so odd, I want to teach someone nearby about even and odd trees just so they can appreciate it with me. It's so much fun to notice a particularly odd, or remarkably even, tree.

I wanted to share it today, in part because I think you might enjoy a new way to have fun that only takes a tree and your eyes. But also to point out that you don't need anyone's permission or participation to make little games of noticing like this. You're allowed to just make something up that makes your life more fun, and do it inside your head without bothering anyone. They can be simple, they can be complex, the rules can be as rigid or abstract as you like, because it's just a thing you're doing with your own brain for fun.

But, sometimes, in moderation, a game like this is even more fun when people are playing it with you. So, why don't you keep your eyes peeled for any distinctly odd trees around you, and send me a picture of the best one you find? We'll appreciate them together, you, me and anyone else who joins in.

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Art, Writing and Design by Yamen O'Donnell
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