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Complicated Reality

Welcome to a Complicated Reality

Hi, I'm Yamen (it rhymes with ramen). I made everything here, the art, the stories, the poems, even the website. I work creatively in several mediums, always chasing my curiosity and sense of wonder. I could never quite figure out if I was a writer who makes art or an artist who writes, so I decided to be a Laser Fractal Space Wizard instead. This site is a showcase of some of my best work.

I make fractal art

A glowing orang fractal shape that resembles a lotus flower, but the top is evaporating into curled blue smoke
Specifically, I make art with FLAM3 (IFS) and escape-time fractal algorithms. These mathematical renders exhibit fascinating recursive structures which I control through careful manipulation of parameters and formulas in a kind of chaos-game system. While this is a generative art form, it's not AI generations in the modern sense. Discovering the world of fractal art in 2018 opened the door to a new path in my life, and helped me become the charming wizard I am today.

Click any artwork title to see a larger view.
A dreamy summer sky with smooth, bulbous fractal clouds and sunset backlighting
A ring shape of blue and pink with detailed fractal blossomes at the top and sides, surrounded by falling petal shapes.
A web of golden fractal shapes against a green background, intersecting in precisze starburst patterns, making a mathematical weave.
A chain of fractal daisy flowers whips in the wind against a cool green and grey background
Three bright orange orbs are orbited by a wavy ring, creating an illusion of three eggs frying in a pan.

See More Fractals

in the Fractal Feed

I make Fwiz cards!

Accessibility note: There are four autoplay videos here that depict the shiny holographic effect on four Fwiz cards. The fractal art shimmers with a rainbow effect.
Fwiz cards are holographic foil art cards featuring my fractal art. Not only are they dazzling to behold, but they're also a fun, collectable way to support what I do here.

Get Fwiz

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I make fractal animations, too

A fractal animation with a bisected orb shape transforming with a moody vibe while bright energetic music plays.

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in the Video Gallery

I made a TTRPG system

Plotbox is an RPG system for people who want to roleplay, but can't commit to long campaigns. A full adventure, including character creation, takes about as long as a boardgame (60-80 minutes).

Characters each have a unique spark, a special power or ability that distinguishes them. These sparks are flexible, allowing players to come up with new abilities and uses for them on the fly.

Learn about Plotbox

and buy a copy

I made a card game

A lightweight party game about scientific observation, creative theories, and impossible science.

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and buy a copy

I write short stories

I'm a storyteller at heart. I've been writing and telling stories for as long as I can remember. My first website was built in Netscape Composer for my Animorphs fan fiction, and I like to think I've grown a bit from there. These days, I write about silly futures, the surreal present, and interesting moments from my own personal history.

See More Stories

in the Library

I write riddles

It used to be important
now it's used a little less.
It's a dozen tilted lines
at the start of an address.
What is it?
Enter your guess in this box
Check your Guess
Nope, try again.

Stuck? Click to reveal a hint.

I write silly poems

Poetry is a game of language to me, a puzzle of cadence and rhyme through which I can capture even my silliest thoughts.

See More Poems

on the Poetry Wall

Contact the Wizard

Questions, comments, commission requests, and glowing praise all go here. Add an email address if you'd like a response.

There's more to see

Fractal Gallery

Browse beautiful infinities

Fractal Videos

Amazing animations

Poetry Wall

A river of words


Wisdom on demand


Snack sized stories

Riddle Gauntlet

Brain sports

I'm on Bluesky

Art in your feed

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Complicated Reality © 2024
Art, Writing and Design by Yamen O'Donnell
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