Going Faster

I think we're going faster, faster than I think

and faster at getting faster, so we're well past the brink.

It's not disaster exactly, it could be awesome actually

but guesses aren't facts, and the future's fast factually.

It'd be better to go steady, but our kings report quarterly

so we're off to the races, with the lanes all disorderly.

Something's seeping in to the streamers' stream of consciousness

and artificial dreams are looking opulently ominous.

Optimism on my arms, like a safety blanket.

Worried if I get cold, I'm writing fear a blank check.

Curious is currency, I spend like I'm addicted,

but I cashed the rain checks on every future I predicted.

The terrors of tomorrow come from the toys of yesterday.

The prophets of the future start with profits made today.

We're buckled to our seats whether we like it or not

but is this a rocket rising or a roller coaster drop?

When we hit the top of the rail or the atmosphere

put your hands up, scream, let 'em know you're here.

Because we're not the destination or the length of the travel,

we're the story of our senses while we watch a world unravel.

Recent Poems

Pacific Illusory Orange

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How to see a new color
Thirteen Seconds

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Interplanetary Bliss
Little Winds

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Snails are rad
Why I Kick Rocks

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A Surprising Encounter
Fresh Freeze

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Snow Day
Reality is Complicated

Featured, Nerdy, Self

A Poetic Introduction

Enjoying my poetry? I have over 70 of my best poems from 2018-2022 in a collection called Laser Fractal Space Magic. Available digitally and in paperback.


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