Jupiter's Feast

This poem can be listened to.


It may seem far away, I know, 

but today Jupiter betrayed Io, 

Europa, and Ganymede 

electing it was time to feed 

on carefree cousin Callisto, 

poor Callisto.

At first it might not bother you. 

After all what could you do 

to impair or interfere 

with affairs of the spheres? 

You might not even miss, oh, 

poor Callisto.

But grab a nerd and pull them near. 

Ask about the math and hear 

how the apparent force involved 

no calculator seems to solve. 

And wonder just what gripped a hold of 

poor Callisto.

What else might fall within the reach 

when the titan decides to feast? 

Will Earth and Mars become a snack? 

Or are we safer this far back 

from the monster planet picking on 

poor Callisto?

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A Poetic Introduction

Enjoying my poetry? I have over 70 of my best poems from 2018-2022 in a collection called Laser Fractal Space Magic. Available digitally and in paperback.


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