
This poem can be listened to.


Welcome to the field, steely. Ready to play?

Your job? Racking points up on the display.

Don't get distracted by the lights and sound,

just bounce against everything you find around.

Toggle every button and swish through every spinner,

light up every bonus light and you'll come up a winner.

You're hard enough to take it, stay shiny through the pain.

The only thing to fear is a sphere near the drain.

Stick to the flippers, because once you go under,

all that you are is reduced to a number.

A few bits of memory, just a part of the score,

while your body gets polished up and readied for more.

If the quarters stop coming, trigger the endgame

sound the final fanfare then reset the mainframe.

Flash across the circuits, and we're back to the beginning.

Purpose comes from playing, don't seek it in the winning.

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A Poetic Introduction

Enjoying my poetry? I have over 70 of my best poems from 2018-2022 in a collection called Laser Fractal Space Magic. Available digitally and in paperback.


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