Silver Rain

This poem can be listened to.


There's a kind of rain in the Pacific Northwest,

well, there's few, but one I think is specifically the best.

If you turn your head right you'll see streaks in the mist,

But if you glance out the window, it's likely to be missed.

If it was colder they'd be sharper and you could see them glisten,

But in the foggy wet your best bet is just to listen.

You can hear the patter of a million little drum beats,

Precipitated syncopated static patterns in the sleet.

This rain only comes when the sky is a silver haze,

and it tends to arrive surrounded by some stormy days

But don't mistake the downpour as the main attraction,

We rain every way, so we like the subtle action.

If you walk in it a minute, you'll get a little wet

But it's honestly no bother to feel sprinkles on your head

It lets up in a moment, or an hour, or a week

but sure as day the sun will come to take a little peek

and when it does the flowers here all have some extra shine

so I don't mind the silver rain that falls from time to time.

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A Poetic Introduction

Enjoying my poetry? I have over 70 of my best poems from 2018-2022 in a collection called Laser Fractal Space Magic. Available digitally and in paperback.


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