Video Brain

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I learned to stack blocks, and bust blocks for ghosts

and I could cruise USA from coast to coast.

I don't want to boast, but I can make some toast

with an incredible machine that does it better than most.

Plumber brother got me going with the jump and run,

and it's unreal what I do with a plasma gun.

X had cannon that dialed in the right one,

There's a pink puff sucking power like a Dyson.

Turned to strategy, real time to plan ahead.

In the age of empires, the alerts are always red.

Chills hearing nuclear launch detected,

man my missile command so they get deflected.

Reflexively, I can flex three keys

and land the lunar lander with dexterous ease.

I can dock at star stations, and sign treaties

between galactic empires and pirate fleets.

I've made coasters and cars, theme parks and mansions.

I've played in a band and spun around dancin'.

I've saved the helpless, the city, and the planet

then I thought I lost the save and got back out at it.

Drift doubled every turn, zero friction is a habit,

Flying with no pilot wings, save the frog dramatics.

I've ground the levels, and I've caught them all.

Rocket through the league with my monkey ball.

Messing up some a mechs, making titans fall

and I'll smash through the melee in an ultimate brawl.

No halo on my head, but check under my tread,

while I lead a team to live when we're all left for dead.

I can run the rooftops dancing on the mirror's edge

and when I put you in the air I'm hogging on to the ledge.

My raid group is grand master,

my speed runs are faster.

I stutter step my tempo

to interrupt your flow

cause I'm not a droolin' newbie button masher.

I'm not big on gore, but my killing floor

looks like it came between a meat boy and the door.

I'm making mischief triple shaking my score

I'm taking your boat, so take a Spot on the shore.

I show up to blow it up, that's the plan of attack

I'm using the fuse, so just take a step back!

Stash a spinfusor before I lay down a trap.

When you see me bust a move, I'm running for a cap.

Growing up folks told me I was gonna rot my brain,

but the first way I was a wizard was in video games.

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A Poetic Introduction

Enjoying my poetry? I have over 70 of my best poems from 2018-2022 in a collection called Laser Fractal Space Magic. Available digitally and in paperback.


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